Our Policies

Access and Equity Policy

Common Ground Queensland aims to ensure that:

A. In accordance with the Common Ground Queensland Eligibility Policy, all people, regardless of race, nationality, cultural background, religion, age, gender, sexuality, ability or disability, have equal access to its supportive housing properties.

B. All people, regardless of race, nationality, cultural background, religion, age, gender, sexuality, ability or disability, have an equal opportunity to participate in the work program, management, staffing and membership of Common Ground Queensland.

C. All policies, programs and aspects of service delivery are inclusive of the diverse range of factors affecting people from differing racial, linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds, ages, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, disabilities and geographic locations.

D. Barriers to accessing supportive housing, employment and participation that may exist for particular groups of eligible people are identified and addressed.


Access is the process of ensuring equality of opportunity to all people in our diverse community in areas essential to achieving and maintaining social, cultural and economic well-being.

Equity is the process of allocating resources fairly, regardless of race, nationality, culture, religion, age, gender, sexuality, ability or disability. ‘Equity’ does not equate with ‘same’.

Equality affirms that all human beings are born free and equal, having the same rights and entitled to the same level of respect.

Relevant Legislation

Relevant legislation includes:

A. Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)
B. Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
C. Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth)
D. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
E. Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth)
F. Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility Policy/Procedure (Governance System)
G. Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
H. Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)
I. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
J. Queensland Multicultural Policy
K. Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
L. Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)
M. Tenant and Community Participation Procedure
N. Tenant Service Charter
O. The People of Australia – Australia’s Multicultural Policy 2011(Cth)
P. Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth)

Procedures that Implement

This policy will be actively implemented by adherence to the following procedures:

A. Employee Grievance Procedure
B. Employee Induction Procedure
C. Employee Performance Appraisal Procedure
D. Employee Recruitment Procedure
E. Employee Training and Development Procedure
F. Ending a Tenancy Procedure
G. Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility Policy/Procedure (Governance System)
H. Privacy and Confidentiality Procedure
I. Referrals Procedure
J. Tenant and Community Participation Procedure
K. Tenant Selection Procedure
L. Tenant Service Charter
M. Tenant Transfer Procedure


Version 6.0

Acknowledgement of Country

Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the Turrbal and Jagera/Yuggera peoples as the Owners and Custodians of the land and waters we live and work upon.
We recognise and respect the historic and continued connection to land and water including the deep spiritual connection and relationship that First Nations people have to Country.
We recognise sovereignty was never ceded.
Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the ongoing impacts of colonisation on First Nations people and is committed to working in partnership with First Nations people to address the impacts of colonisation.