Our Policies

Pet Procedure

Referring Policy: Pet Policy

1. Purpose

1.1 To ensure Common Ground Queensland (CGQ) can fairly assess a tenant’s application to keep a pet in the building.

1.2 To ensure CGQ works with pet owners effectively to achieve the best outcomes for the building

2. Procedure

2.1 When a tenant applies to have a pet, the Tenancy Manager will give the tenant the Pet Application Form.

2.2 When the Tenancy Manager receives an application for keeping a pet, they should ensure the following:

  • The Pet Application Form has been completed in full; and
  • The applicant has provided all relevant supporting documentation.


2.3 The Tenancy Manager will review the application to determine if the application meets guidelines outlined in the CGQ Pet Policy.

2.4 The Tenancy Manager will meet with the on-site Support Provider to discuss the application and reach agreement on whether the tenant is approved to keep a pet.

2.5 If the application is approved, a standard approval letter will be sent to the tenant.

2.6 If the application is not approved, a standard letter will be sent to the tenant advising that their application was unsuccessful. The letter will provide the reasons why as well as the process to discuss/appeal the decision.

2.7 The Tenancy Manager will update the system indicating that the tenant has applied for a pet and whether the tenant has been successful or not. The Property and Tenancy Officer will update the Pet Register if a pet has been approved.

3. Referenced Documents
  • Pet Application Form
  • Pet Policy
  • Pet Register


Version 4.0

Acknowledgement of Country

Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the Turrbal and Jagera/Yuggera peoples as the Owners and Custodians of the land and waters we live and work upon.
We recognise and respect the historic and continued connection to land and water including the deep spiritual connection and relationship that First Nations people have to Country.
We recognise sovereignty was never ceded.
Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the ongoing impacts of colonisation on First Nations people and is committed to working in partnership with First Nations people to address the impacts of colonisation.