Our Policies

Work Health and Safety Policy

Common Ground Queensland ensures that the safety and wellbeing of people employed at the organisation, or people affected by our work, is a priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf. People are our most important asset, and we aim to take every possible action to prevent harm occurring to our staff, contractors, tenants, volunteers and visitors.

The objectives of this policy are:

A. To ensure Common Ground Queensland complies with the requirements set out in the current Work Health and Safety act, related acts, regulations, codes of practice and other safety guidance material.

B. To implement and maintain safe systems of work.

C. To identify, eliminate and/or manage workplace hazards and risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

D. To ensure work related injury and illness is prevented through establishing measurable health and safety objectives and targets.

E. To consult with and involve workers on matters relating to health, safety and wellbeing and to encourage suggestions for continuous improvement.

F. To empower staff and contractors to stop unsafe or environmentally harmful activities.

G. To provide information, instruction and training to enable all workers to work safely.

H. To provide appropriate safety equipment and personal protective equipment.

I. To provide effective rehabilitation and return to work for injured employees.

The success of our safety management is dependent on:

A. Pro-active planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing health, safety and environmental controls that are suitable to each situation.

B. Ensuring the work teams are effectively consulted on Work Health and Safety issues and objectives.

Procedures that Implement

This policy will be actively implemented by adherence to the following procedures and documents:

A. Emergency Procedures Manual

B. Employee Induction Procedure

C. Professional Supervision Support and Development Policy/Procedure

D. Incident Management and Reporting Procedure

E. Smoking Procedure

F. Work Health and Safety Manual

G. Work Health and Safety Risk Register


Version 9.0

Acknowledgement of Country

Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the Turrbal and Jagera/Yuggera peoples as the Owners and Custodians of the land and waters we live and work upon.
We recognise and respect the historic and continued connection to land and water including the deep spiritual connection and relationship that First Nations people have to Country.
We recognise sovereignty was never ceded.
Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the ongoing impacts of colonisation on First Nations people and is committed to working in partnership with First Nations people to address the impacts of colonisation.