Our People

Christine Grose


A portrait headshot of a woman.

Learn More About Christine Grose

Christine Grose has over three decades of direct service delivery and management experience in the community sector - in particular in the areas of homelessness and youth at risk.

Christine Grose has over three decades of direct service delivery and management experience in the community sector – in particular in the areas of homelessness and youth at risk.

Christine has served on numerous community and homelessness service Management Committees throughout her career. Her focus for her voluntary and paid work is on implementing structural change and supporting community capacity-building, in the service of social justice.

She currently works as a Community Engagement Lead with a collective Impact Movement in South-East Queensland.

A young women with dark skin sits amongst a garden smiling at the camera.

Common Ground Queensland

We provide rental accommodation to people who have experienced chronic homelessness (supportive housing) and to people who require access to affordable housing located in South Brisbane.  Tenants must meet eligibility requirements set out by the Department of Housing.

Click the button below to find out if you may be eligible for housing support through BCG.

Acknowledgement of Country

Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the Turrbal and Jagera/Yuggera peoples as the Owners and Custodians of the land and waters we live and work upon.
We recognise and respect the historic and continued connection to land and water including the deep spiritual connection and relationship that First Nations people have to Country.
We recognise sovereignty was never ceded.
Common Ground Queensland acknowledges the ongoing impacts of colonisation on First Nations people and is committed to working in partnership with First Nations people to address the impacts of colonisation.